Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kiddie Corner: A Day in the Life of Noah and Harper

Ahhhh, motherhood is so wonderful! It is full of teaching, loving and starring at two little people you don't understand. I get a kick out of spending intimate time with my two little terrors (my sister has graciously termed them). I have two boys: Noah (3) and Harper (16 months). 

I think the funniest moments are interacting with them and getting to learn their personalities. The other day I asked Noah to help me clean up the kitchen. He loves helping me so I decided to give him a chore of wiping off the kitchen table and the chairs.  Needless to say (he's awesome) he did a great job so I gave him another assignment of helping me put the dishes in the dishwasher. He started off good, but went wrong somewhere. He was putting the utensils where the plates go and mixing the cups with the bowls. I stopped him and explained to him how I wanted the dishes to go. He sighed and carried on. I then noticed he started slamming the glasses against each other, so I stopped him again. He said "mommy. I quit. I quit. This is not for me!" and then walked away.

I stood there flabberghasted. I couldn't believe a 3 year old would uttered those words to me.

Harper is quite hilarious too! Of course, my husband and I tells Harper "no no" when he is not obeying. Fully aware of the meaning of the word, he turns around and points his finger at us and tell us "no no".  Yesterday his Papa was over for breakfast. Afterwards we were sitting around talking and his Papa tries to take a pencil from him. Harper swung around and pointed his tiny finger and Papa and exclaimed "no no!". We all chuckled. Well, that was not funny to Harper because he goes and slap Papa twice on the forehead. Papa will be okay.

These are just few examples of funny moments with Noah and Harper. I am just happy to be apart of it!

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Thanks doll!