Thursday, February 25, 2010

Have a Cleaner Skin by Using a Toothbrush. Seriously.

Like me, you are probably taking a hit from the recession and because of that you have to come up with some creative ways in surviving.

I want to invest in the Clairsonic Skincare Brush, but coughing up $150 is recessionista no no right now. So here is a clever way in keeping your skin beautiful......invest in an electric toothbrush.

Yes, you heard right. You will never look at a toothbrush the same after you use it (please do not use it simultaneously...eww). Before you leave my blog, let me explain:

Well basically, we all know the skin is the largest organ in the body and for that it needs constant care. Your skin is constantly shedding and the old layer of skin is being pushed away by the newer skin layer. Exfoliating the top most old layer of your skin "Stratum Corneum" helps the newer skin layer emerge and moisturizers other treatments becomes more effective. The stratum corneum mostly acts as a barrier between the outside world and the lower skin layers. It keeps all but the smallest molecules from getting through, so if we exfoliate it, then the products that you are using on your face will be more effective.

A blackhead is basically a plug in the pore made up of oil, dead cells and bacteria. If the skin pore remains open, the exposure to the air causes the plug to darken in color, this resulting in a blackhead. If the pore is closed, a whitehead forms because of the build up of white blood cells that attacks the bacteria in the plug.

Everyone has pores. Pores are inevitable and they are only visible if they have dirt and oil in them. Once they are stretched, it is pretty much impossible to close them unless you have laser treatments, but we can stop them from getting bigger and clear them. By that, exfoliating your skin to promote the newer skin layer to rejuvenate will help keep the pores clear. A clear pore looks smaller than a clogged pore.

To begin, you will first start off with an exfoliating scrub. You can use the one of your choice. I like Biore'. Take the scrub and then apply it to your toothbrush and then in a gentle circular motion cleanse your face.

Next take a toner and a moisturizer to close your skin cleaning process. Voila!

I think this is a great idea for those with oily skin and those that wear make-up daily. I suggest to cleanse your face daily (duhh), but deep clean approximately twice a week.

Have fun divas!!

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Thanks doll!